Conference Proceedings
At the end of every edition, the final form of the communications presented by the participants is published in a volume. The Conference Proceedings are formally a periodical (p-ISNN 2066-4818, e-ISNN 2393-3402, ISSN-L 2066-4818) and present to the scientific community the texts elaborated by the participants as a result of their participation to the Conference.
Advisory board:
- prof. dr. Laura BĂDESCU (Piteşti)
- prof. dr. Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA (Constanţa)
- prof. dr. Maria CĂTĂNESCU (Bucureşti)
- prof. dr. Gheorghe CHIVU (membru corespondent al Academiei Române) (Bucureşti)
- prof. dr. Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU (Suceava)
- prof. dr. Wolfgang DAHMEN (Jena)
- pr. prof. dr. Wilhelm DANCĂ (Iaşi)
- pr. lect. dr. Lucian FARCAŞ (Iaşi)
- prof. dr. Constantin FRÂNCU (Iaşi)
- acad. dr. Sabina ISPAS (Bucureşti)
- prof. dr. Gheorghe MANOLACHE (Sibiu)
- prof. dr. Michael METZELTIN (Viena)
- pr. prof. dr. Vasile MIHOC (Sibiu)
- cs I dr. Eugen PAVEL (Cluj-Napoca)
- prof. dr. Lăcrămioara PETRESCU (Iaşi)
- prof. dr. Alexandru RUJA (Timişoara)
- pr. prof. dr. Ioan C. TEŞU (Iaşi)
- acad. dr. Răzvan THEODORESCU (Bucureşti)
- prof. dr. Vasile D. ŢÂRA (Timişoara)
- prof. dr. Rodica ZAFIU (Bucureşti)
- prof. dr. Alexandru GAFTON ( Iaşi )
- prof. dr. Sorin GUIA ( Iaşi )
- prof. dr. Ioan MILICĂ ( Iaşi )
Special issues